Rachael Bewsey

[email protected]
London office
  • Corporate
  • Commercial
  • Energy & Environment
  • ESG, Compliance & Investigations
M: +44 (0) 7484 867 654
T: +44 (0) 20 7139 8246
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Rachael handles Corporate matters, specialising in mergers and acquisitions, reorganisations, debt and equity fundraisings, shareholder agreements and disputes and corporate governance. She also handles general Commercial matters and is a member of our Energy & Environment team and our ESG, Compliance & Investigations team. Rachael specialises in oil and gas law including farmouts, licensing, exploration and development projects, marketing agreements and joint venture arrangements. Rachael has extensive experience in ABC training and advising on the UK Bribery Act. Prior to joining Temple Bright in 2022, Rachael worked at Simmons & Simmons in the City and in Hong Kong and New York. Since leaving that firm in 2000, Rachael has worked in-house in the oil and gas industry, for Premier Oil plc in the UK North Sea, Africa and as Regional Counsel, Asia and then for Ophir Energy plc as Chief Counsel, Asia.


Relevant experience at Temple Bright and previous firms includes:

  • Advising an AIM-listed company on a company acquisition, placing and re-admission across several jurisdictions.
  • Advising on all aspects of M&A transactions including NDAs, heads of terms, exclusivity agreements, sale and purchase agreements, W&I insurance, disclosure letters and completion documents, in various sectors including in particular the pharmaceutical and publishing sectors.
  • Project-managing the supply chain on the contracts required to implement the further development of an offshore oil field, amounting to a capital investment of over US$100m.
  • Advising on the sale of oil and gas operated assets in Vietnam (US$100m) and Indonesia (US$40m) and on various acquisitions in the UK North Sea.
  • Renegotiating a vital charterparty requiring extensive interaction with stakeholders including the state regulator, the asset management firm vessel owners and the national oil company. This resulted in a significant reduction to the daily lease rate.
  • Negotiating various spot and fixed term crude sales contracts and gas sales agreements and associated documents.
  • Advising extensively on farmout agreements, joint ventures, concession and production sharing agreements.
  • Providing legal advice including drafting, negotiation and completion to oil companies for new country entries in Guinea-Bissau, Gabon, Mauritania, Egypt and Kenya.
  • Conducting an investigation into corruption by local staff, including implementing measures to protect the whistleblower and other staff from personal threats.
  • Providing in-house anti-corruption and UK Bribery Act training to oil and gas companies and designing policies and flow charts to assist employees in foreign jurisdictions.